LOCAL Fairview
2618 W Fairview Ave
A Type 2 Participation Program Project that provides necessary public infrastructure for future residents and development.
The LOCAL Fairview will take the place of an existing car rental lot and a motel built in 1960. The planned mixed-use development will include a seven-story building with a total of 271 residential units and approximately 8,500 square feet of commercial space. The project encompasses 1.4 acres at the northeast corner of Fairview Avenue and 27th Street and lies within the 30th Street Urban Renewal District.
This mixed-use project is being developed by Subtext, a St. Louis-based developer of residential and student housing projects with a proven track record of successful partnership with the Agency. Subtext owns and operates over 7,000 apartment units across the country, and this will be their third project in Boise. Most recently, the company has partnered with the Agency on the LOCAL Boise, a comparable project located in the River-Myrtle / Old Boise District, which is scheduled to be completed this year.
The existing Capri Restaurant on site will be preserved and has been incorporated into the design of the project. The 271 total market-rate residential units will range from studios to three bedrooms. Structured parking on the first two floors of the building contains 272 parking spaces for use by the residents and the new commercial space. An additional 19 surface parking spaces are planned for the Capri Restaurant, and over 270 bike parking stalls will be located throughout the project.
Project Partnership
The public improvements eligible for CCDC funding include streetscapes along Fairview Avenue and 27th Street. These will include eight-foot-wide sidewalks, street trees, suspended paving systems, bioretention planters, streetlights, and landscaping. The project will also reconstruct an approximately 240-foot public alley along the north side of the project. While this alley does not connect to another public street, it will serve three properties to the north, all of which are likely to be redeveloped in the future. Making this improvement now will allow those properties to close off their direct access to Main St in the future and create an improved pedestrian and bike environment. The combined alley and streetscape costs are estimated at $335,000.
Utility upgrades and expansion work includes upgrading and undergrounding power, new underground fiber and phone lines, and the expansion of the sewer mainline. As part of the sewer upgrades, Subtext will construct an approximately 870-foot-long section of a 15-inch sewer line from the northern edge of the property to the intersection of 25th and Idaho Streets to the northeast. This line is a key component of the City’s and CCDC’s West End Water Renewal Plan, which is upgrading the entire area’s substandard infrastructure to serve this quickly redeveloping part of town. This section of pipe will eventually be utilized as a segment of the required force main serving all existing and future developments in the surrounding 125 acres. Altogether, these facilities associated with the LOCAL Fairview are estimated to cost $880,000.
For specific project questions, please contact CCDC Project Manager Corrie Brending.