8th Street Improvements
State Street to Franklin Street


Community-driven infrastructure improvements that support economic and neighborhood vitality.


8th & State to Franklin


In 2020, CCDC constructed improvements on 8th Street between Bannock and State Streets, furthering the vision of 8th Street as a dynamic destination within Boise’s downtown core and a key north-south multi-modal corridor. The project improved pedestrian facilities and streetscapes and reconfigured the existing traffic lanes to calm automobile traffic and provide space for the low-stress bike infrastructure. During that previous project on 8th Street, the public emphasized the importance of continuing 8th Street’s bike network connectivity north of State Street.  In response to the public’s desire, Boise City Council approved adjusting the Westside URD’s boundaries in late 2020 to include two additional blocks of 8th Street between State and Franklin Streets. The URD expansion allows CCDC to assist with the desired connectivity and infrastructure improvements along North 8th Street.

Project Summary

CCDC is partnering with ACHD to improve bike facilities between State and Union.  CCDC will address improvements between State and Franklin, and ACHD will implement improvements between Franklin and Union.  The CCDC Project will:

  • Provide low-stress bike facilities for north-south travel, including improvements to the crossing of State Street.  The design of bike facilities between State and Franklin is intended to be cohesive with the design of bike facilities between Franklin and Union by ACHD.
  • Enhance the pedestrian experience and urban environment with improved, ADA-compliant sidewalks and streetscaping along portions of the corridor.
  • Optimize the vehicle travel lane configuration for current and future anticipated traffic volumes.
  • Preserve on-street parking capacity to the maximum extent possible.
  • Enhance transit accessibility

In addition to the primary objectives above, the project will be completing utility improvements throughout the corridor. After considering various design concepts, ACHD Commissioners voted on November 9, 2022, to approve a modified Concept A (See below in Project Resources) for the State to Franklin section of 8th Street. CCDC has completed the final design of the improvements and anticipates starting construction in spring 2024.


For project specific questions or concerns, please contact CCDC Project Manager Amy Fimbel.

Project Resources

Images & Graphics
Concept A
Concept B
Concept C