News Media Center

Shoreline District – Projects

August 9, 2024

News & Notes

Economic Development

17th Street Interim Streetscape Improvements, Shoreline Drive to Cul-de-Sac: Pedestrian improvements to address the current gaps in the sidewalk and install additional overhead lighting on 17th Street between Shoreline Drive and the east end of 17th Street (cul-de-sac). The goal of this effort is to improve safety and mobility within the public right-of-way on 17th Street and provide the City of Boise with infrastructure to better manage on-street parking. The project is substantially complete, and crews will be completing punch list items in the following weeks. Project Lead: Kassi Brown

818 W. Ann Morrison Park Dr. – Capitol Student Housing – PP Type 2: The Gardner Company is constructing a new five-story, mixed-use residential building with 91 units (278 bedrooms) and ground-floor commercial space with associated site improvements. Public improvements eligible for CCDC reimbursement include streetscapes along Ann Morrison Park Drive, Lusk Street, and Sherwood Street. Utility upgrades and expansion work includes upgrading and undergrounding power, new underground fiber, and the expansion of the sewer and water mainlines. Total Development Costs estimated at $44 million, and Eligible Expenses at $600,000. The Board approved an agreement in January 2023, and work is underway with a target completion date of August 2024. Project Lead: Corrie Brending