Development Partnership Finalized on Block 68 Project
December 15, 2022
At its December Board Meeting, the CCDC Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the Block 68 South Development and Disposition Agreement (DDA) –finalizing a development partnership with the Elden Co., deChase Miksis, and Elton Companies development team for the second half of the Agency’s largest public-private partnership, the Block 68 Catalytic Redevelopment Project.
The Developer will construct a mixed-use residential tower and mobility hub on Agency-owned land located at 1010 W Jefferson Street. This agreement also completes the competitive RFP selection process and ushers in the next phase of this transformative project that aims to deliver 450 new residential units in downtown Boise.
Years in the making, the Agency alongside businesses and property owners in the area identified the type of public and private investment that would catalyze the desired transformation and see the area realized as a thriving, active mixed-use neighborhood.
In May of 2021, the Agency issued a Request for Proposal seeking a development partner to deliver expanded housing opportunities for our active workforce; integrate a Mobility Hub that would provide not only parking for residents and surrounding businesses, but also make it easier to bus, bike, and walk; and catalyze redevelopment of surrounding parcels.
In December of 2021, the Board of Commissioners selected the proposal submitted by the Edlen & Co. development team and directed the Agency to negotiate a DDA. In October 2022, the first of two DDA’s was approved by the Board for Block 69 North Workforce Housing Project, a seven-story, approximately 220 unit mixed-income residential building.
The Developer will provide the Board schematic design documents for approval in the coming months. Upon the Developer obtaining financing and building permits, the Agency will close on the property disposition and construction will begin no later than December 31, 2023.