30th Street URD Projects Update
March 18, 2019
News Update on CCDC Projects in the 30th Street URD
Formed in December 2012, the 30th Street URD runs along 27th Street, Whitewater Park Boulevard and encompasses the West Main Street and Fairview Avenue corridor.
2403 Fairview Ave – Adare Manor – PP Type 2, 4: The development is well under construction with completion anticipated by the end of 2019. The combined participation agreement is for about $730,000 for public improvements adjacent to the development.
2200 Fairview Ave – New Path Community Housing – PP Type 1: CCDC has checked with the developer about the reimbursement submittal. Developer is waiting on receiving invoices from subcontractors before submitting. A site inspection will be conducted once the reimbursement paperwork is received. The Agency will reimburse for approximately $120,000 for public improvements in the right of way.

301 29th St – Whittier Elementary – PP Type 4: Construction continues on Phase 2 of the Whittier renovation, which includes a substantial amount of the improvements being completed in the right of way (sidewalks, streets, plaza space). Construction is scheduled to be complete by mid-August 2019 at which time CCDC will process the reimbursement of approximately $550,000.
Main Street and Fairview Avenue – Street Configuration: ACHD will be re-striping both streets generally from four lanes to three lanes with parking-protected bike lanes this summer. CCDC currently has no role in this effort.
30th Street District – Urban Renewal Plan Amendment: CCDC has been involved in discussions regarding the development of a sports park since 2017. In the event Agency financing is involved in the development and it is located in the 30th Street District, it is likely that an amendment to the 30th Street Urban Renewal Plan will be necessary. The Agency stands ready to assist and anticipates direction in the near future.
30th Street District Public Art – City of Boise Traffic Boxes – PP Type 4: The City Arts & History Department issued the Call-To-Artists to select artists for the project, with the selection panel scheduled for March 4, 2019. The T4 Agreement between CCDC and the City is on the February 11, 2019, CCDC Board Meeting agenda. Artists were selected on March 4, 2019.