CCDC E-Scooter Test Drive
October 29, 2018
CCDC’s hardworking Finance Department recently took a field trip utilizing Boise’s newest mobility option — E-Scooters from LIME and BIRD. The team explored various Agency projects in the reconfigured River-Myrtle/Old Boise District as well as the new Shoreline District. Using the scooters, team members were able to quickly view a number of CCDC completed projects and many of our in-process projects such as the Agency’s partnership with Ash Street Apartments.
Some infrastructure needs were noted, particular for safe use of scooters, in the Lusk Street area of the Shoreline District. The lack of safe sidwalks, smooth streets, controlled visibility, and stormwater issues are among the challenges for scooterers (and bikers and walkers). The tacos at Madre received outstanding reviews. Learn more about E-Scooters on the City of Boise’s website here: