Mobility Project Update: Capitol & Front Garage
March 10, 2018One of CCDC’s Key Strategies is Mobility – Expand mobility choices that include parking and multiple transit modes to enable universally accessible urban districts.
The Capitol & Front garage was originally built in the late 1990’s as part of a larger Grove Hotel development. CCDC has owned and operated the garage for the last 20 years, and the timing is right to consider removing it from the ParkBOI system.
CCDC has received a consulting valuation that sets the value of the garage at $6.8 million. Agency staff is now working with legal counsel to draft an RFP for review and approval at the March Board meeting. The disposition process and RFP criteria will be presented.
Staff is requesting feedback and approval of the RFP at the March meeting. After the meeting, CCDC will finalize the RFP, publish it, and proceed with the RFP per statutory requirements. The Board will review proposals at the April or May Board meeting.
For more information, please visit the Capitol & Front Garage Disposition project page.