River Myrtle District Project Update
October 7, 2022Economic Development |
5th & Front Streets – Hotel and Parking Garage – PP Type 3, 5: Installation of the public art piece approved for reimbursement, “Pale Blue Dot,” has been delayed due to unforeseen fabrication requirements. The Agency is investigating options for amending the agreement to extend the deadline. Project Lead: Alexandra Monjar
CW Moore Park Improvements – PP Type 4 Partnership with Boise Parks: This partnership with Boise City Parks and Recreation will provide upgrades to CW Moore Park. The Agency is working with Parks to help fund the improvements, not to exceed $200,000. The Board approved the project in March for T4 Agreement Designation. Staff is preparing the final agreement for approval. Project Lead: Karl Woods
US Assay Office Pathway & Landscaping- 210 W Main St – PP Type 1: Landscaping and historical improvements on the US Assay Office. The Board approved an agreement in August and work expected to commence in the spring. Project Lead: Kevin Holmes
The Broadstone Saratoga – 1201 W Grove St – PP Type 4: 334-unit mixed-use development with 377 parking spaces and ground floor retail. With $100M in total development costs, the Agency expects $1.3M reimbursement for alley improvements, streetscapes, and utility work. The project coordinates overlapping public improvements with Linen Blocks on Grove Street capital project between 12th and 13th Streets. The Board designated the project for Type 4 Capital Improvement Project Coordination participation in August. The Agency plans to present a final agreement for Board approval in December. Project Lead: Kevin Holmes
Infrastructure |
“Rebuild 11th Street Blocks” – Redevelopment of the 11th Street Corridor – State Street to Grove Street: This project combines the installation of bikeway infrastructure, streetscape improvements, ACHD-planned pavement rehabilitation, and stormwater infrastructure upgrades. A full report is located under the Westside District. Project Lead: Amy Fimbel
RMOB Closeout Inventory and Analysis: This project will identify locations where streetscape infrastructure repairs or upgrades needed to address minor deficiencies, deterioration, or hazards within the streetscapes of existing rights-of-way. CCDC contracted with Stack Rock Group to perform the district-wide assessment of current conditions and to identify locations in need of improvements. Locations identified through this effort will be prioritized to inform the programming of closeout project work prior to RMOB sunset. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
Mobility |
5th St & 6th St Two-Way Conversion: CCDC is assisting the City of Boise with this high-priority project to convert the two existing one-way corridors to two-way vehicle travel. ACHD previously conducted feasibility studies, performed a concept analysis, and initiated final design work prior to putting the project on-hold in early 2019. CCDC will assist the City by managing the remainder of Final Design, agency approval and construction processes. CCDC will enter a Cost Share Agreement with ACHD to complete design, outreach, and construction work for portions of these corridors located outside of URD boundaries. The City and CCDC presented a proposed project approach to the ACHD Commission at a Joint City/ACHD meeting on September 22, 2022. A follow-on presentation to the ACHD Commission for the cost share agreement is anticipated prior to November 2022. Staff anticipates consultant final design work to begin fall 2022. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
S 5th St & Myrtle St – Signalized Crossing: This project anticipates installing a traffic signal on Myrtle Street at the 5th Street intersection to provide a safe crossing between Julia Davis Park and the Central Addition and to extend the signal-coordinated traffic calming of Myrtle Street. CCDC will incorporate traffic signal improvements in the 5th & 6th Two-Way Conversion project as listed above. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
Place Making |
Grove Street Old Boise Blocks – Multi-Block Improvement Project: CCDC conducted an inclusive, community-driven visioning process to develop a place-making strategy for this site. The process began in June 2020 with a series of stakeholder visioning meetings to create a community-supported vision for the area. The public had several opportunities to engage in the visioning process through summer and fall 2020. The Agency presented the visioning documents to the Board at its December 14, 2020 meeting. The Agency selected Jensen Belts Associates in February as the Landscape Architect of Record for the project. The Board approved the ranking of Guho Corp. as the selected Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) for the project at the April Board meeting. Stakeholder meetings are complete, and the project presented to City Council in July 2021. CCDC received a draft memo from the City, which proposed tasks and a road map to gain design review approval for the project. CCDC has responded to the memo. CCDC submitted a DR package for review on March 4 and met with the City on April 11 to discuss the submittal. CCDC received a letter regarding the submittal on April 15 and had a follow-up meeting with the City on April 25. CCDC revised and resubmitted the drawings on June 10, 2022. Preliminary comments received and CCDC has worked with the City and ACHD to gain approval of a City directed curbless street design. CCDC has unofficial Design Review comments from the City and is proceeding into construction documents. Project Lead: Karl Woods
Linen Blocks – West Grove Street Improvements: This project assesses the Linen Blocks on Grove Street between 10th and 16th Streets for catalytic infrastructure improvements. CCDC conducted an inclusive, community-driven visioning process for the project from September 2020 to June 2021. The process included a series of stakeholder visioning meetings and public surveys and resulted in a final visioning document. GGLO started design in July 2021 and submitted a Design Review application to the City in December 2021. GGLO plans to have a completed design by December 2022. The Board approved Guho Corp. as the selected CM/GC for the project at the October 2021 Board Meeting. The Agency will be requesting Board approval of Amendment No. 1 to Guho’s contract for advanced sewer relocation work at the Board’s October 10, 2022 meeting. Guho anticipates starting sewer construction mid-November 2022 with construction of the full improvements to follow in January 2023. Project Lead: Amy Fimbel
Boise Canal Multi-Use Pathway – 3rd Street to Broadway: As identified in the recently adopted 2022 City of Boise Pathway Master Plan and the 2020 Old Boise Blocks Visioning Report, this project anticipates constructing a non-motorized, multi-use pathway generally aligned with the Grove Street corridor, connecting 3rd Street to Broadway Avenue at the recently installed enhanced pedestrian crossing to Dona Larsen Park. Because no continuous public right-of-way exists within which to construct the pathway, close coordination and cooperation with property owners will be essential. CCDC has initiated preliminary discussions with property owners and agency partners. CCDC selected The Land Group to assist with design and construction administration services through a competitive RFQ process. Consultant design work anticipated to begin fall 2022. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
Fulton Street Improvements – 9th Street to Capitol Blvd: This project will improve Fulton Street between 9th Street and Capitol Boulevard. CCDC selected The Land Group to perform consultant design services for the project. CCDC completed public outreach on the draft alternatives in February 2022 with selection of a preferred alternative by Boise City Council at a Work Session on April 5, 2022. The Board approved a task order with The Land Group for Final Design and Services during Construction at the May 2022 Board meeting. Final Design services to be completed by January 2023 with construction beginning early spring 2023. The project consultant team submitted a Design Review Application to the City of Boise in late June 2022. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
521 W Grove St. Public Space
This project will develop an Agency-owned parcel at 521 W. Grove Street into a public space that celebrates the neighborhood’s multi-cultural history, provides additional event space to support street festivals on the adjacent Basque Block, and catalyzes placemaking with adjacent private investment and overall neighborhood investment strategy. Project in collaboration with Boise Parks, which will assume ownership, operation, and maintenance. A Design Team has been selected through an RFQ process. Staff is seeking Board approval for the selection of the Design Team in October. Project Lead: Karl Woods
Special Projects |
RMOB Public Art – City of Boise Broad Street Sculpture – PP Type 4: The Arts & History Commission approved the design in October 2020. CCDC supported the project through funding and involvement in the selection process. Fabrication of the sculpture is complete, and Arts & History has decided to store the sculpture until the completion of the Ovation Apartment construction to avoid potential damage to the sculpture. Project Lead: Karl Woods
703 S 8th Street – Property Acquisition: This parcel, owned by the Merrill Family Trust was offered for sale through a closed bid auction in June 2022. Considering its location on a block otherwise owned by the City of Boise and the civic and cultural amenities nearby, the Agency submitted an offer to purchase with the intention of transitioning the parcel to the City of Boise. The Agency Board approved the Purchase and Sale Agreement for this property at its July meeting, then reviewed and approved an appraisal to continue with acquisition of the property on August 24, 2022. The Agency closed on the property on September 9. The Agency is integrating the property into its management operations and the next step is to plan for transition of the property to the City of Boise. Project Lead: Alexandra Monjar