River Myrtle – Old Boise District – Projects
November 11, 2023
Economic Development |
150 S. 5th St. – CW Moore Park Improvements – PP Type 4 Partnership with Boise Parks: This partnership with Boise Parks and Recreation will upgrade CW Moore Park. The Agency is working with the Parks Department to help fund the improvements, not to exceed $200,000. The Board approved the project in March for T4 Agreement Designation. Staff are awaiting further information while the City of Boise reviews the project’s scope. Project Lead: Karl Woods
210 W. Main St. – US Assay Office Pathway & Landscaping – PP Type 1: Landscaping and historical improvements at the US Assay Office. These improvements are complete, and the Agency is currently reviewing the cost documentation for reimbursement Project Lead: Kassi Brown
1201 W. Grove St. – The Broadstone Saratoga – PP Type 4: A 334-unit, mixed-use development with 377 parking spaces and ground-floor retail. With $100 million in total development costs, the Agency expects a $1.9 million reimbursement for alley improvements, streetscapes, and utility work. The project coordinates overlapping public improvements with the Rebuild Linen Blocks on Grove Street capital project between 12th and 13th Streets. The Board approved the Type 4 Capital Improvement Project Coordination participation agreement in June 2023, and construction is underway. Project Lead: Property Development
200 N. 4th St. – ICCU Plaza – PP Type 2: BVA Development is constructing a 13-story commercial/office space tower and an 11-story residential/multi-family tower, which includes 125 apartments and 150,000 square feet of Class A office space. The public improvements eligible for CCDC reimbursement include streetscapes along 4th, Main, and Bannock streets. Utility upgrades and expansion work includes upgrading and undergrounding power lines, new underground fiber, and the sewer expansion mainline. Total development costs are estimated at $124 million, and Eligible Expenses at $1.7 million. The project is requesting the use of Capital Improvement Plan funds dedicated to housing developments, which will be completed before the expiration of the RMOB District. The Board designated the project for Type 2 Participation in January 2023. The Agency is negotiating a final agreement for Board approval this winter. Project Lead: Property Development
1110 W. River St. – 11th & River – PP Type 2: deChase Miksis is constructing a six-story, mixed-use building with 126 residential units and 1,000 square feet of ground-floor retail. The project includes a workforce housing component, with 10 percent of the units proposed to be rent-restricted and reserved for income-qualified residents. Public improvements submitted for CCDC reimbursement include streetscapes along 11th, River, and Ash streets and the reconstruction of a public alley. Submitted public utility work includes upgraded water lines, additional stormwater management infrastructure along the streets, and re-routing gas, sewer, and fiber lines out of the alley. Total Development Costs are estimated at $50 million, and Eligible Expenses are $1.1 million. The project is requesting the use of CIP funds dedicated to housing developments to be completed before the expiration of the RMOB District. The Board designated the project for Type 2 Participation in March 2023. The Agency is negotiating a final agreement for Board approval this fall. Project Lead: Property Development
1011 W. Grove St. – Marriot AC/Element Hotel – PP Type 4: Pennbridge Lodging, a hotel developer and manager, is building a 15-story, dual-branded hotel with 296 rooms and ground-floor office space. The project has an estimated total development cost of $100 million and has requested approximately $500,000 in reimbursements for utility work. The project coordinates two overlapping capital projects, the Rebuild Linen Blocks on Grove Street between 10th and 11th streets and Rebuild 11th Street Blocks between Grove and Front streets. The Board designated the project for Type 4 Participation in March 2023. The Agency is negotiating a final agreement for Board approval this winter. Project Lead: Amy Fimbel
212 S. 16th St. – Fire Station #5 – PP Type 4: A partnership with the City of Boise to assist with streetscape, alley, and utility improvements associated with the redevelopment of Fire Station #5. The Board designated the project on May 8, 2023. The Board approved the final agreement on August 14, 2023 and construction is underway. Project Lead: Karl Woods
South 8th Street and Greenbelt Site Improvements – PP Type 4: A partnership with the City of Boise to assist with Greenbelt realignment; public right-of-way improvements; and upgrades to optimize connectivity, circulation, and safety adjacent the Greenbelt. The Board designated the project on August 14, 2023. Project Lead: Karl Woods
Infrastructure |
“Rebuild 11th Street Blocks” – Redevelopment of the 11th Street Corridor – State Street to Grove Street: This project combines the installation of bikeway infrastructure, streetscape improvements, ACHD-planned pavement rehabilitation, and stormwater infrastructure upgrades. A full report is located under the Westside District. Project Lead: Amy Fimbel
River Myrtle – Old Boise Closeout Inventory and Analysis: This project identified locations where streetscape infrastructure repairs or upgrades are needed to address minor deficiencies, deterioration, or hazards within the streetscapes of existing rights-of-way. CCDC contracted with Stack Rock Group to perform the district-wide assessment of current conditions and identify locations needing improvements. Sites identified through this effort will be prioritized to inform the programming of closeout project work prior to RMOB sunset. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
3rd Street Streetscape Improvements, Front to Jefferson Streets: This project will make streetscape improvements and road intersection adjustments to 3rd Street and Main Street to improve the safety and functionality of the rights-of-way for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles. The design will be coordinated with ACHD’s Bannock Street Neighborhood Bikeway project. Jensen Belts Associates was selected through a competitive RFQ process and is under contract to provide a topographic survey, schematic sign, and design review approval. The design is anticipated to be completed in spring 2024, with construction to start later that year. Project Lead: Karl Woods
Capitol Boulevard Streetscape Improvements, Boise River to Myrtle Street: This project will make streetscape improvements, provide a pedestrian crossing at Fulton Street, install a bulb-out on the northeast corner of Myrtle Street, improving the safety and functionality of the rights-of-way for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles. This effort is in coordination with improvements identified in ACHD’s “Capitol Boulevard Concept” project, which includes the area spanning from Vista Avenue to the Greenbelt. In July 2023, a competitive RFQ was released, and The Land Group has been chosen as the Design Professional. A competitive RFQ process has been completed for a CM/GC and a recommended CM/GC will be brought to the November Board Meeting for consideration. The design is anticipated to be completed in summer 2024 with construction to start later that year. Project Lead: Kelly Burrows
Mobility |
5th & 6th Streets Two-Way Conversion: CCDC is assisting the City of Boise with this high-priority project to convert the two existing one-way corridors to two-way vehicle travel. ACHD previously conducted feasibility studies, performed a concept analysis, and initiated final design work before putting the project on hold in early 2019. CCDC will assist the City by managing the remainder of the Final Design, Agency approval, and construction processes. In December 2022, CCDC entered an Interagency Cost Share Agreement with ACHD to complete the design and outreach of the project. The Board approved Task Order 19-005 for preliminary and final design at the January 2023 Board Meeting. To date, the Kittelson & Associates Design Team has completed topographic surveys, assessed existing stormwater facilities, evaluated ADA compliance of pedestrian facilities, completed additional traffic analysis requested by ITD in early June, and completed the 75% Design Plans submittal in late July. The design team is awaiting ITD approval of the traffic analysis and confirmation that ITD will allow modifications to four intersections on Front and Myrtle, which are State Highways. Staff published an RFQ for CM/GC services on the project on September 18, 2023, with the selection of a CM/GC at the November 2023 Board Meeting. Staff anticipates that the final construction documents will be complete in early 2024. At that time, an additional Interagency Cost Share Agreement for construction will be negotiated with ACHD. Passage of House Bill 25 in 2023 requires additional project approvals through the State of Idaho for this project as it will impact 6th Street (Jefferson to State) for more than seven days. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
Boise Canal Multi-Use Pathway – 3rd Street to Broadway: As identified in the 2022 City of Boise Pathway Master Plan and the 2020 Old Boise Blocks Visioning Report, this project anticipates constructing a non-motorized, multi-use pathway generally aligned with the Grove Street corridor, connecting 3rd Street to Broadway Avenue at the recently installed enhanced pedestrian crossing to Dona Larsen Park. Because no continuous public right-of-way exists within which to construct the pathway, close coordination and cooperation with property owners will be essential. CCDC selected The Land Group to assist with design and construction administration services through a competitive RFQ process. The consultant has completed a conceptual design and is coordinating proposed improvements with the Boise City Canal Company and adjacent property owners. St. Luke’s and Idaho Power are reviewing draft easements, and The Land Group is moving forward with construction documents. Project Lead: Kelly Burrows
South 5th & Myrtle Streets – Signalized Crossing: This project anticipates installing a traffic signal on Myrtle Street at the 5th Street intersection to provide a safe crossing between Julia Davis Park and the Central Addition and to extend the signal-coordinated traffic calming of Myrtle Street. CCDC will incorporate traffic signal improvements in the 5th & 6th Two-Way Conversion project listed above. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
Place Making |
Rebuild Old Boise Blocks on Grove Street: CCDC conducted an inclusive, community-driven visioning process to develop a place-making strategy for this site. The process began in June 2020 with a series of stakeholder visioning meetings to create a community-supported vision for the area. The public had multiple opportunities to engage in the visioning process through the summer and fall of 2020. Jensen Belts Associates led the design effort, and Guho Corp. is the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC). CCDC has approved plans from ACHD and the City, and GMP #1 was approved at the October 2023 Board meeting. Guho started construction on October 30, 2023. Project Lead: Karl Woods
Linen Blocks – West Grove Street Improvements: This project will catalyze infrastructure improvements on Grove Street between 10th and 16th Streets. CCDC conducted an inclusive, community-driven visioning process for the project from September 2020 to June 2021. The process included a series of stakeholder visioning meetings and public surveys and resulted in a final visioning document. GGLO led the design effort and Guho Corp. is the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC). Guho started construction of the full improvements in June 2023. Project Lead: Amy Fimbel
Fulton Street Improvements – 9th Street to Capitol Boulevard: This project includes streetscape enhancements on Fulton Street between 9th Street and Capitol Boulevard. Improvements include widened sidewalks, expanded tree canopies, fiber optic upgrades and full right-of-way repaving. Idaho Site Works, LLC began construction on Fulton Street from 8th Street – 9th Street in July 2023. Project Lead: Kassi Brown
521 W. Grove St. – Public Space: This project will develop an Agency-owned parcel at 521 W. Grove St. into a public space that celebrates the neighborhood’s multicultural history, provides additional event space to support street festivals on the adjacent Basque Block, and catalyzes placemaking with adjacent private investment and overall neighborhood investment strategy. This project is in collaboration with Boise Parks Department, which will assume ownership, operation, and maintenance.
A Design Team was selected through an RFQ process. Staff received Board approval for the selection of the Design Team in October 2022. A CM/GC was selected through an RFQ process, and the selection was approved by the Board in December 2022. Staff issued a public programming survey for the project on January 9. The survey ended on January 25, and the results were analyzed to prepare concepts for the design alternatives public open house, which occurred on April 6 to gather feedback on the designs. The feedback was analyzed to produce a preferred design. The project is scheduled to be presented to the Parks Commission in November, City Council in December and submitted for Design Review at the end of the year. Project Lead: Karl Woods
Special Projects |
RMOB Public Art – City of Boise Broad Street Sculpture – PP Type 4: The Arts & History Commission approved the design in October 2020. CCDC supported the project through funding and involvement in the selection process. Fabrication of the sculpture is complete, and Arts & History has decided to store the sculpture until the completion of the Ovation Apartment construction to avoid potential damage to the sculpture. Project Lead: Karl Woods
RMOB Public Art – Downtown Traffic Box Art – PP Type 4: Boise City Department of Arts & History has requested assistance to re-wrap traffic boxes that need replacement. There are 15 traffic boxes in the River-Myrtle/Old Boise District that need replacement. The project was designated as eligible for Type 4 Capital Project Coordination Assistance at the October 2023 Board Meeting. Project Lead: Karl Woods
RMOB Public Art – Deferred Maintenance – PP Type 4: Boise City Department of Arts & History has requested assistance to repair two public art installations in the River-Myrtle/Old Boise District. The project was designated as eligible for Type 4 Capital Project Coordination Assistance at the October 2023 Board Meeting. Project Lead: Karl Woods