River-Myrtle/Old Boise URD Projects Update
April 11, 2022
News Update on CCDC Projects in the River-Myrtle/Old Boise URD
Economic Development |
5th & Front Streets – Hotel and Parking Garage – PP Type 3, 5: Installation of the public art piece approved for reimbursement, “Pale Blue Dot,” is expected to be complete by August 2022.Project Lead: Alexandra Monjar
CW Moore Park Improvements – Type 4 Partnership with Boise Parks: This partnership with City Parks and Recreation will provide upgrades to CW Moore Park. The Agency is working with Parks to help fund
the improvements, not to exceed $200,000. The Board approved the project in March for T4 Agreement Designation. Project Lead: Karl Woods
1103 West Lee Street – 11th and Lee – PP Type 4: The Agency is negotiating final terms and coordination of work scope with the Developer for this missing middle housing project, which overlaps with CCDC’s 11th Street Bikeway project. An Agreement will be presented for the Board’s approval in April or May. Project Lead: Alexandra Monjar
Infrastructure |
“Rebuild 11th Street Blocks” – Redevelopment of the 11th Street Corridor – State Street to Grove Street: This project combines the installation of bikeway infrastructure, streetscape improvements, ACHD-planned pavement rehabilitation, and stormwater infrastructure upgrades. A full report is located under the Westside District. Project Lead: Amy Fimbel
RMOB Closeout Inventory and Analysis: This project will identify locations where streetscape infrastructure repairs or upgrades are needed to address minor deficiencies, deterioration or hazards within the streetscapes of existing rights-of-way. CCDC contracted with Stack Rock Group to perform the district-wide assessment of current conditions and to identify locations in need of improvements. Locations identified through this effort will be prioritized to inform the programming of closeout project work prior to RMOB sunset. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
Mobility |
5th St & 6th St Two-Way Conversion: CCDC is assisting the City of Boise with this high-priority project to convert the two one-way corridors to two-way vehicle travel. ACHD previously conducted feasibility studies and performed concept level design work prior to 2019. CCDC will assist the City by managing the Final Design, agency approval and construction processes. A cost share with ACHD will be required to complete design, outreach and construction work for portions of these corridors located outside of URD boundaries. CCDC staff is currently coordinating with ACHD, City of Boise, State of Idaho (Dept. of Admin) and ITD staff on project scope and anticipates final design work by a consultant to begin in spring 2022. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
5th St & Myrtle St – Signalized Crossing: This project anticipates installing a traffic signal on Myrtle Street at the 5th Street intersection to provide a safe crossing between Julia Davis Park and the Central Addition and to extend the signal-coordinated traffic calming of Myrtle Street. Kittelson & Associates completed a traffic signal warrant analysis for this project, which CCDC submitted to the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) on July 15, 2021, with a formal request to allow signalization of the intersection. ITD reviewed the request and is not supportive of a signal at this intersection due to the proximity of other crossing locations along the corridor and that sufficient signal warrants are not currently met at 5th & Myrtle. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
Place Making |
Grove Street Old Boise Blocks – Multi-Block Improvement Project: CCDC conducted an inclusive, community-driven visioning process to develop a place-making strategy for this site. The process began in June 2020 with a series of stakeholder visioning meetings to create a community-supported vision for the area. The public had several opportunities to engage in the visioning process through summer and fall 2020. The Agency presented the visioning documents to the Board at its December 14, 2020 meeting. The Agency selected Jensen Belts Associates in February as the Landscape Architect of Record for the project.