Shoreline & Gateway East District Projects Update
April 11, 2022
News Update on CCDC Projects in the Shoreline URD

Economic Development |
17th Street Streetscape Improvements, Shoreline Dr. to Cul-de-Sac: Pedestrian improvements to address the current gaps in the sidewalk and install additional overhead lighting on 17th Street between Shoreline Drive and the east end of 17th street (cul-de-sac). The goal of this effort is to improve safety and mobility within the public right-of-way on 17th Street. Consultant to be selected Spring/Summer of 2022. Construction anticipated in late 2022. Project Lead: Kassi Brown
818 W. Ann Morrison Park Drive – Mixed-Use – PP Type TBD: Continued tracking of project to include new five-story mixed-use residential building with 91 units (282 BR) and ground floor commercial space with associated site improvements on property. Private auto and bike parking included in project plan. Project Lead: Kevin Holmes
719 Lusk Street – Mixed-Use – PP Type TBD: Continued tracking of project to include new five-story mixed-use residential building with 180 units (~490 BR) and ground floor commercial space with numerous improvements. Private auto and bike parking included in project plan. Project Lead: Kevin Holmes
News Update on CCDC Projects in the Gateway East URD

Economic Development |
1001 E. Gowen Road – AZEK – PP Type 2: The Board approved this agreement at its February meeting. Decking manufacturer AZEK is investing over $123 million to retrofit the old Shopko building, and full operation is expected this Spring. Project Lead: Alexandra Monjar
951 E. Gowen Road – Red River Logistics and Commerce Centers – PP Type 2: The Board approved this agreement at its February meeting to participate in the extension and public dedication of Production Street and associated utility and streetscape improvements. This street extension is included in the Gateway East District Plan and will open opportunities for additional development on adjacent vacant parcels. Project Lead: Kevin Holmes
Mobility |
Gowen Road – ACHD Cost Share – PP Type 4: This is a cost-share project with an ACHD bridge replacement project on Gowen Road at the railroad crossing. CCDC-funded improvements include installation of a fiber-optic conduit bank between Exchange Street and Eisenman Road, a wider sidewalk on the approaches to the bridge, and a longer bridge span, which will accommodate a future Rail-with-Trail pathway under the bridge. Construction of the improvements is underway and expected to be complete during winter/spring 2022. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
Eisenman Road Interim Improvements, Blue Sage Lane to Blue Valley Lane: The southern end of Eisenman Road is currently a two-lane rural roadway with no pedestrian or bike facilities. While a future project is anticipated in the ACHD CIP between 2036 and 2040 to widen Eisenman and will likely include permanent bike/ped facilities, residents of the Blue Valley Estates Mobile Home Park desire a safe option for pedestrian travel along the Eisenman frontage of the Park now, particularly for school-age children trying to access the only available school bus stop at the intersection of Eisenman Road and Blue Valley Lane. CCDC contracted with Civil Survey Consultants on an initial task order to analyze three different pedestrian facility alternatives: two alternatives seek to provide interim pedestrian facilities and the third will provide infrastructure, which would allow Boise School District to modify current school bus routing and better serve the Park. Through discussions with the City, Boise School District and ACHD, CCDC has selected a preferred alternative to construct an interim 5-foot wide asphalt pathway along the frontage of the Park. CSC is scoping Final Design of the facility. Project Lead: Kassi Brown
Infrastructure |
Production Street and Gowen Road Utilities: This project will install new fiber optic conduit banks and associated vaults along Production Street and Gowen Road for the City to enhance data connectivity within city limits. CCDC Board approved contract award to Track Utilities LLC at the September Board meeting. Track Utilities started construction November 2 and anticipates being complete in April2022. Project Lead: Amy Fimbel