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Westside Projects Update

March 14, 2022

News & Notes

News Update on CCDC Projects in the Westside URD

The Westside includes a portion of the downtown core, a residential neighborhood to the west, and the burgeoning Linen District with an eclectic mix of shops and restaurants. Read below for an update of current projects happening within the Westside Urban Renewal District.


Economic Development

9th and Bannock Streets Intersection Geothermal Repairs – Type 4 Partnership with Boise City:  This partnership with the City will provide upgrades to the City of Boise’s geothermal system adjacent to the intersection of 9th & Bannock Streets. The Agency is working with Public Works Engineering to help fund the geothermal upgrade costs, not to exceed $250,000. The T4 Agreement will be on the Board agenda on February 14, 2022.  Project Lead: Karl Woods

1721 W. Idaho St – 17th and Idaho – Agency-Owned Property: The Developer, SMR Development LLC, has negotiated a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the additional properties beyond 1721 Idaho included in its proposal. The Agency negotiated a Disposition and Development Agreement with SMR Development LLC, as previously directed by the CCDC Board at the January 28, 2021, Special Board Meeting. The CCDC Board approved the negotiated Disposition and Development Agreement at its July 12, 2021 Board Meeting.  In accordance with the terms of the Agreement, sale of the property to Developer closed on October 15, 2021, and the project is now progressing into the construction phase. Project Lead: Doug Woodruff

Block 68 Catalytic Redevelopment Project: At its December 2021 meeting, the Board selected Edlen & Company’s proposal for disposition of Agency owned property at 1010 W. Jefferson Street and 421 N. 10th Street through a competitive RFP process. The Agency has since negotiated an Exclusive Right to Negotiate with the developer which will be presented to the Board with a request for approval in March 2022. Once an ERN is signed, the Agency and developer will negotiate Disposition and Development Agreements for both parcels.  Project Lead: Alexandra Monjar

1010 W. Jefferson St. – 10Ten Building – Agency Owned Property:  No significant maintenance items to report.  Project Lead: Aaron Nelson

421 N. 10th St. – Agency Owned Property: No significant maintenance items to report.  Project Lead: Aaron Nelson.

1700 W. Main St – Rock Hard Granite Renovation – PP Type 1: Approval of the final agreement for this commercial building renovation in February and construction is underway with completion expected summer 2022. Project Lead: Alexandra Monjar

1655 W. Fairview – Office Renovation – PP Type 1: The Board designated this office renovation for participation at its February meeting. The Agency is negotiating final agreement terms and expects to request the Board’s approval of the agreement in April or May. Project Lead: Alexandra Monjar




“Rebuilding 11th Street” – Redevelopment of the 11th Street Corridor – State Street to Grove Street:  This project combines the installation of bikeway infrastructure with streetscape improvements to realize plans by the City and ACHD for 11th Street as a corridor that prioritizes cyclists, pedestrians, retail business, and residents while accommodating existing vehicular use. The project spans two URDs with the improvements extending into RMOB with the continuation from Grove Street to River Street.  ACHD completed the design of bikeway facility improvements for 11th Street from Heron Street to State Street, in preparation for installation in FY2022. To maximize public investment, the Agency entered into an Interagency Agreement with ACHD to include in the project scope ACHD planned pavement rehabilitation, stormwater upgrades, and the replacement of the underground Boise City Canal Bridge crossing on 11th Street. Jensen Belts Associates started design work February 2021 and submitted for Design Review in September 2021. Final design is under permitting review by ACHD and the City and construction is anticipated to start May 2022. McAlvain Companies is the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) assisting with pre-construction efforts.  Project Lead: Amy Fimbel

State Street Streetscape & Fiber-Optic Conduit: This is a cost-share project with an ACHD Downtown Boise Implementation Program (DBIP) project to rehabilitate State Street between 2nd & 16th Streets.  CCDC-funded improvements include installation of a fiber-optic conduit bank between 8th Street and 15th Street and streetscape improvements between 12th Street and 14th Street.  Streetscape components include wider sidewalks, street trees, furnishing zones, and suspended pavement systems (Silva cells) for tree root growth and storm water retention.  The project also anticipates green stormwater infrastructure features in the form of bioretention planters at select intersections throughout the project area.  CCDC anticipates a Type 4 participation agreement with the City of Boise for landscaping within the bioretention planters, which are located within the Westside URD.  ACHD’s design consultant completed 95% design plans for the project in December 2021 with an expected construction start in late summer 2022.  Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer




North 8th Street – City/ACHD Traffic Configuration: This project will improve the streetscapes and bike facilities on North 8th Street as well as provide new paving and extend the downtown fiber-optic network in accordance with City plans and public and partner agency input. This $2.6 million project is complete and the final walk through occurred on July 14. Project Lead: Karl Woods

8th Street Improvements, State Street to Franklin Street:  This project will improve mobility and safety between the North End Neighborhood and Boise State University.  The proposed 8th Street bike facilities will connect to a future east-west ACHD Franklin Street Bikeway and ACHD has initiated a companion project to extend 8th Street bike facility improvements north of Franklin Street to Union Street.  The CCDC project contemplates undergrounding overhead power and telecommunication lines as well as streetscape and transit improvements along the frontage of several properties.  CCDC selected Kittelson & Associations to perform consultant design services.  The design team previewed three draft concept alternatives with the CCDC Board in December 2021 and previewed the concepts with ACHD and the City in January 2022.  CCDC and ACHD jointly completed public outreach on the draft alternatives in February 2022 with selection of a preferred alternative anticipated in spring 2022.  Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer