Westside Projects Update
February 26, 2019
News Update on CCDC Projects in the Westside URD
The Westside includes a portion of the downtown core, a residential neighborhood to the west, and the burgeoning Linen District with an eclectic mix of shops and restaurants. Read below for an update of current projects happening within the Westside Urban Renewal District.
Economic Development
15th Street Utilities – Undergrounding & Conduit: This project will underground overhead power lines and install underground conduit to facilitate future redevelopment (including a new Fire Station #5) and mature street trees on the west side of 15th Street as well as an expanded telecommunications network. Quadrant submitted plans to ACHD for review and approval. ACHD approval is expected in February.
May 2018 | Quadrant Consulting selected to draw plans and specifications |
December 21, 2018 | Plans and specifications submitted to ACHD for review |
March 2019 | Formal bid for construction anticipated |
1010 W. Jefferson – 10Ten Building – Agency-Owned Property: Review of parking management underway, a draft proposal and contract was received from The Car Park is being reviewed. Agency is facilitating the replacement of thermostats in second floor suite to replace the obsolete thermostats currently there.
Tenant List | Parking
Stalls |
Your Health Idaho | 24 |
BRS | 8 |
Idaho Charter Network | 10 |
Idaho Water Users | 2 |
Alan Gummersall Insurance | 2 |
421 N. 10th – ISG/BSN Building – Agency Owned Property: The Trophy House lease expired at the end of December 2018; by mutual agreement of the parties, the lease is continuing on a month-to-month basis. No significant maintenance performed in January.
Tenant List | Parking Stalls |
BSN Sports | 0 |
Trophy House | 0 |
ISG Screen Print | All Available |
1001 W. Main – KOUNT Building – PP Type 1: Developer has provided the necessary documentation for a request for reimbursement and staff performed a site inspection on January 23. The awnings require one more coat of paint, which is underway. Reimbursement for $150,000 will be paid to the developer once the construction is complete and the construction fences are removed from the right-of-way.
11th Street Streetscape – Washington Street to Grove Street (W): These streetscape improvements are slated for construction in FY23 by CCDC. To maximize public investment, the agency is working closely with ACHD on a current project, the 11th Street bikeway facilities. To ensure that cooperative and coordinated solutions are developed by ACHD and CCDC in their respective planning processes, CCDC is conducting planning and design on a similar schedule to ACHD.
Westside – Consolidated Newspaper Boxes: Agency and COB coordinating purchase and installation of new consolidated boxes. CCDC awaiting the City Code changes to the Downtown Streetscape Standards that will allow this project to move forward, possibly in April 2019.
Bannock Streetscape – 8th to 9th streets: Jensen Belts Associates has completed the Design Review package. The project is on temporary hold pending outcome of COB/ACHD traffic and street configuration decision.
8th Streetscapes – Bannock to State: Jensen Belts Associates has completed the Design Review package. The project is on temporary hold pending outcome of COB/ACHD traffic and street configuration decision.
10th & State – Brady Block Concepts: CCDC is working with nearby landowners around the CCDC sites to determine the best way to create transformative development in this area. Pivot North Architecture is assisting agency with the process, which could include upcoming RFPs or RFQs to move development forward.
1010 Main – Avery Building – PP Type TBD: This is a privately-owned vacant building currently undergoing renovation. CCDC has remained engaged and taken a proactive approach to encourage owner and various development teams to utilize Participation Program. Agency is hoping to receive an application for participation when they have more substantial cost information.
1111 Idaho – 11th & Idaho Building – PP Type TBD: This is a potential new building adjacent the future Westside Urban Park. CCDC is engaged with the owner/investor and anticipates a Participation Program partnership soon.
1715 W. Idaho – Odyssey Flats – PP Type TBD: A Treasure Valley based development team has held a neighborhood meeting and has submitted plans to PDS for the development of approximately 18 residential units on this currently vacant parcel. Although the final design and eligible public expenses are not yet known the developer suggested they would apply for CCDC participation later in 2019 upon PDS approval.
Westside URD – Boundary Adjustment – Eligibility Study: CCDC is working with SB Friedman Development Advisors in order to analyze a series of parcels adjacent the existing Westside URD boundaries. This analysis will determine eligibility for possible annexation into the plan area. In the event the project moves forward a draft Eligibility Study will be provided to the agency board of commissioners in the coming months.
ParkBOI – 10th & Front Garage – Agency Owned Property: Guho Corp made substantial progress on repair and maintenance project in January, with an expected completion date of February 4. Agency staff is working with a Structural Engineering firm to design the next phase of repairs.
March 1, 2018 | Request for Qualifications Issued |
March 15, 2018 | Statements of Qualifications due from licensed contractors |
April 9, 2018 | Board approved the list of prequalified contractors |
May 8, 2018 | Invitation to Bid given to three prequalified contractors |
June 11, 2018 | Board awards contract to lowest responsive bidder Guho Corp |
July 27, 2018 | Notice to Proceed |
August 6, 2018 | Construction commences |
November 2018 | Construction underway |
December 2018 | Change Order for additional work and more time |
January 22, 2019 | Substantial Completion |
February 4, 2019 | Final Completion anticipated |
11th Street Bikeway – ACHD Collaboration – River Street to Washington Street: 11th Street has been identified in plans by COB and ACHD as an important corridor for the west side of downtown Boise. It prioritizes cyclists, pedestrians, retail, business, and residents while accommodating existing vehicular use. ACHD is conducting a bikeway planning process for improvements to be made in FY 2023 to prioritize 11th Street as a cycling corridor. CCDC staff is collaborating with ACHD by conducting a preliminary streetscape improvement programming effort for 11th Street to identify synergies between these two upcoming projects.
Westside Circulator – Preliminary Engineering: CCDC is partnering with COB Public Works to split the costs of preliminary engineering for the Downtown Circulator project. Agency stands ready to assist and anticipates direction in the near future.
8th Street – COB/ACHD Traffic Configuration: The Kittleson & Associates traffic and bike lane analysis and Jensen Belts design package were presented by COB PDS to City Council on January 29. The council has requested public outreach on the project, and COB and ACHD staffs are working on public outreach plan. Agency stands ready to assist, and move forward with streetscape projects, following COB/ACHD decisions.
Place Making
11th and Bannock – Westside Urban Park: The Master Development Agreement approved by the CCDC Board in August 2018 is awaiting City Council consideration once the land agreement is finalized. COB has been attempting to finalize land agreement with the property owner. COB Arts and History Department is preparing a call for artists, to be used in selecting an artist to produce and incorporate artwork into the park. The design team is currently developing ideas for site features to be included in the park.
Special Projects

Westside Public Art – COB Traffic Boxes – PP Type 4: COB Arts and History issued the Call-To-Artists to select artists for the project. A selection panel is scheduled for March 4, to review content to be developed. The T4 Agreement between CCDC and the City of Boise is on the February 11, Board Meeting agenda for approval.