Westside Projects Update
December 12, 2018
News Update on CCDC Projects in the Westside URD
The Westside includes a portion of the downtown core, a residential neighborhood to the west, and the burgeoning Linen District with an eclectic mix of shops and restaurants. Read below for an update of current projects happening within the Westside Urban Renewal District.
10th & Main KOUNT Office – PP Type 1: The public improvements are complete and the developer has sent a request for reimbursement with cost documentation. Staff is evaluating the request and will verify the eligible expenses. Construction continues on the exterior and interior improvements. The developer expects Kount to move into the building in January. Reimbursement will take place after staff has confirmed the eligible expenses and once the sidewalks are open to the public (currently blocked by construction fences).
Brady Block Redevelopment: CCDCs 2018 acquisition of 1010 W. Jefferson and 421 10th Street is complete and CCDCs charge is to spur redevelopment of those properties and perhaps surrounding properties to create opportunities for investment in the Westside URD. CCDC is creating a scope of work for a design firm to create ideas for an RFP on the property.
15th Street Utility Undergrounding and Conduit Bank: Quadrant and Idaho Power have completed preliminary concepts and cost estimates. Staff requested Quadrant extend the conduit bank from Jefferson to the alley behind Dutch Bros to facilitate future extension to the east. One easement is needed and is to the property owner for review/signing. Quadrant and Idaho Power have completed preliminary concepts and cost estimates.

Bannock Street, 9th to Capitol Blvd – Streetscape Improvement Project: CCDC has collaborated with City of Boise and ACHD to arrive at a mutually preferred design concept. CCDC has hired Kittleson & Associates to perform a traffic and bike lane analysis to confirm the validity of the concept. Kittleson’s work is completed and JBA has completed the DR package.
8th Street Northbound to State – JBA has completed the DR package, Kittleson has completed their final draft and Jensen Belts has produced a DR package for review. City to meet with State for final go ahead prior to DR submittal.
Gingerich Site & Underground: Task Order for miscellaneous landscape maintenance Services for Mulligan’s on Main Street and in areas on South 9th Street.
10th & Front Garage Concrete Repairs: Guho Corp has completed the parking deck repairs and roof replacements. CCDC is processing CO2, reflecting more in-depth work than anticipated adjacent to the guardrails on the east side. Parking guardrails adjacent to the elevators is scheduled to be completed in early January.
10th & Front Garage Concrete Repairs – RFQ and Bidding
Two-step process to contract for extensive concrete repairs. Prequalification process then bidding process. Construction in Late-Summer 2018.
March 1, 2018: Request for Qualifications Issued.
March 15, 2018: Statements of Qualifications due from licensed contractors.
April 9, 2018: Board approved the list of prequalified contractors.
May 9, 2018: Invitation to Bid given to 3 prequalified contractors.
June 11, 2018: Board awards contract to lowest responsive bidder Guho Corp.
July 27, 2018: Notice to Proceed.
August 6, 2018: Construction commences.
November 2018: Construction underway.
December 2018: Change Order for additional work.
December 31, 2018: Substantial Completion – anticipated.
10th & Front Garage – Concrete Repairs Phase 2
Design and additional, extensive concrete repairs in the 10th & Front Garage. Two-step process to prequalify contractors. Prequalification process then bidding process.
November 2018: KPFF selected to continue as the design professional for Phase 2.
Summer 2019: Planned construction.
KPFF: Task Order for administration (design through construction) for Phase 2 of the 10th & Front Garage Concrete Repairs Project.
CM/GC Westside District Urban Park Project
Selection of a Construction Manager / General Contractor (CM/GC) for an Urban Park project in the Westside District.
November 22, 2017: Request for Qualifications issued.
Nov 23 & 30, 2017: Public notice in Idaho Statesman.
December 8, 2017: Submissions due from licensed CM/GCs.
January 8, 2018: Board approval of Wright Brothers as CM/GC.
March 7, 2018: Contract executed; pre-construction services begin.
Summer 2018: Project stalled.
Fall 2018: City and property owner activity restarting; Agency on hold and ready.
Public Art –Traffic Box Wraps: CCDC is working on and MOU with Arts and History for traffic box wraps. Arts and History to issue Call-To-Artists to select artists for the project. Traffic box wraps are complete and have been billed through.
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