River-Myrtle/Old Boise Projects Update
December 18, 2018
News Update on CCDC Projects in the River-Myrtle/Old Boise URD
The city’s largest district, River-Myrtle/Old Boise is made up of two distinct zones: the areas adjacent to the Boise River, public parks, and the historic downtown section known as Old Boise.
200 W. Myrtle Street, PP Negotiation: CCDC has hosted several meetings over the past year with River Caddis Development. The project area is undergoing a rezone. The proposed project is proposed as including 400 parking spaces, roughly 280 for Ada County employees and up to 175 residential condominiums’. A participation agreement is needed, upon negotiation of that agreement CCDC Staff will bring to the Board for approval. Timing is based on Developer.

503 5th Street – 5th and Idaho Apartments – PP Type 2, 4: The Gibson is substantially complete with a temporary certificate of occupancy. Approximately 30 units have been occupied as of the first week of December. Final certificate of occupancy is expected by end of year. Request for reimbursement of T4 and established reimbursement schedule for T2 agreement are expected early 2019.
410 S. Capitol – Marriott Residence Inn – PP Type 2: Pennbridge has granted an easement to the City of Boise for the additional sidewalk area completed as part of the project. Staff has finalized all backup documentation necessary and will begin reimbursing for the public improvements by the end of FY 19. The reimbursement will be paid using tax increment the project generates for up to four years or until the not-to-exceed-amount of $875,000 is met.
6th and Front – Hotel and Parking Garage – PP Type 3, 5: Front Street Investors has initiated conversations to request funding for art on one or more of the parking garage’s large concrete walls along Front Street, and potentially on 5th and 6th streets as well. The developer plans to begin construction on the garage in December with an approximate 18-month construction period. Staff is evaluating the request.
429 S. 10th Street: CCDC’s small (.08 acre) lot on S. 10th Street is being used as staging for agency projects. Agency is also exploring exchange opportunity to enhance residential development in that neighborhood.

503 – 647 S. Ash Street – PP Type 5: The Ash Street Townhomes is well under construction. Multiple trades are currently onsite and the project intends to be approved to receive the city’s housing incentive. The project is nearly on schedule and staff continues to meet and check in with the developer and team regarding the project’s overall goals, specifically best marketing practices given its unique workforce rental nature.
BoDo Sidewalk Easements: Staff will bring the one outstanding easement to the Front Street COA to upcoming board meeting.
2018 Streetscape Improvements Project: Design and construction of 2018 streetscape improvements on River Street between Ash Street and 12th Street.
October 24, 2017: RFP issued to three on-call design professional firms.
November 28, 2017: The Land Group selected as the design professional of record.
January 2018: Task Order with The Land Group for design documents.
Note: Project costs are estimated at less than $200k – informal bidding planned.
March 31, 2018: 90% CD Drawings and specifications completed
June 2018: City of Boise review for grading permits.
July 25, 2018: Informal Bidding. Bid sets sent to three qualified contractors.
August 7, 2018: Bids received. Contract award to Guho Corp, lowest responsive bidder.
September 7, 2018: Notice to Proceed issued.
October 2018: Construction commenced Oct 1; 45 days to Substantial Completion.
November 2018: Substantial Completion.
December 2018: Anticipated Final Completion
2019 6th Street Streetscape Improvements Project: Design and construction of streetscapes on 6th Street between Main and Front streets.
October 9, 2018: RFP issued to three on-call design professional firms.
November 5, 2018: The Land Group selected as design professional of record.
5th Street Utility Undergrounding Front to Main and Conduit Bank
Design and construction to underground utilities on 5th Street from Front Street to Main Street and install a conduit bank.
October 2018: Quadrant Consulting selected to create plans and specifications
1st Quarter 2019: Formal bid construction anticipate.
Quadrant Consulting: Task Order for administration (design through construction) for a new 5th Street (Main to Front streets) Utility Undergrounding and Conduit Bank Project.
Capitol Landscape: Work Request to repair and level bricks and tree grates.
Gingerich Site & Underground: Task Order Amendment to remove landscaping services for a section of the south side of Main Street between 9th to 10th streets.
Capitol Landscape: Task Order for safety and maintenance improvements to remove, repair, and replace pavers and mortar at the northeast corner at 8th & Bannock.
River Street Streetscape Improvements: Guho Corp is constructing the streetscape improvements. Construction is complete. Final inspection forthcoming pending snow cover.
Bannock Street Streetscape Improvements: Kittleson has completed their final draft and Jensen Belts has produced a DR package for review. City to meet with State for final go ahead prior to DR submittal.
6th Street Streetscape Improvements: CCDC issued an RFP for design services. The Land Group was selected as the successful firm. CCDC is working on finalizing the contract with The Land Group and begin surveying and schematic design.
Grove Street, 16th to 10th and 6th to 3rd – Pedestrian Improvement Plan – CIP Project: Agency staff will work in collaboration with the City and design professionals to develop a vision statement and design ideas. CCDC ready to issue RFP for design services.
Power Line Undergrounding – Invitation to Bid
Formal bid process to select an electrical contractor to install underground power and telecommunication lines in the alley between Main and Idaho running from 3rd Street to 5th Street. The project is coordinated with Idaho Power and ACHD.
January 24, 2018: Invitation to Bid issued.
February 22, 2018: One Bid received.
March 12, 2018: Board awarded the contract to Anderson & Wood Construction.
March 27, 2018: Contract executed.
April 2018: Notice to Proceed
June 1, 2018: Construction commences, coincident with ACHD’s start date.
June – August 2018: Under construction.
November 11, 2018: Substantial Completion.
December 3, 2018: Final Completion, paperwork in process.
CCDC Alley Program – Alley, 6th to 3rd between Main & Idaho: Work by Anderson & Wood and Idaho Power (Probst) is substantially complete. CCDC is waiting for CenturyLink to remove an overhead line across 3rd Street. The contractor is awaiting a meter pedestal for city streetlights on 4th Street. CenturyLink work schedule is to be determined.
CCDC Alley Program – Capital to 6th between Grove and Main (Block 7): CCDC Staff and TLG are working lighting options to address some concerns that have come up from the Freak Alley lights. Staff will present the schematic concept to the CCDC board at the January meeting.
CCDC Alley Program – S. 8th Street Simplot Alley: Work aligned with ACHD’s permeable alley project in 2018. CCDC is working with CoB on the MOU for murals in Simplot Alley and on 9th Street.
Block 7 Alley Improvement Project – between Grove & Main, 6th to Capital
Design and construction of the CCDC Alley Program project – Block 7 Alley between Grove and Main Street, 6th to Capital.
June 22, 2018: RFP issued to three On-Call Design Professional firms.
July 11, 2018: Proposals due from Design Professionals.
July 13, 2018: The Land Group selected as Design Professional of Record.
August 2018: Task Order with The Land Group for design services.
March 2019: Anticipated bid date. New project estimate exceeds $200k. Formal bidding.
5th & Myrtle New Signalized Crossing: COMPASS video research began in the fall at Myrtle & 6th, Myrtle & 5th, and Myrtle & 3rd streets. Processed data sent on December 4. Kittleson will provide a preliminary warrant analysis in January 2019.
Public Art – Traffic Box Wraps: CCDC is working on a MOU with Arts and History for traffic box wraps. Arts and History to issue Call-To-Artists to select artists for the project and produce content.
Boise City Art Project – South 8th Street Area: CTY provided revised design for tension sculpture based on Board comments. Bridge lighting installation and Simplot Alley are complete. CCDC is working with CoB on the MOU for murals in Simplot Alley and on 9th Street.
Broad Street Central Addition Public Art: City arts department has requested $75,000 for a yet to be defined art project. Request is being discussed for future action.
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