Westside District – Project Updates
February 16, 2023
Economic Development |
9th and Bannock Streets Intersection Geothermal Repairs – Type 4 Partnership with Boise City: This partnership with the city will provide upgrades to the City of Boise’s geothermal system adjacent to the intersection of 9th & Bannock Streets. The Agency is working with Public Works Engineering to help fund the geothermal upgrade costs, not to exceed $250,000. The Board approved the T4 Agreement on February 14, 2022. The project is complete. Project Lead: Karl Woods
1721 W Idaho Street – The Martha – Agency-Owned Property: The Agency negotiated a Disposition and Development Agreement with SMR Development LLC as approved at its July 12, 2021, Board Meeting. In accordance with the terms of the Agreement, sale of the property closed on October 15, 2021. The developer worked with Surel’s Place to select artist Laurel Rau to create the building’s mural whose concept was approved by the Board August 8, 2022. Project completion is expected in April 2023 and initial leasing has begun. Project Lead: Alexandra Monjar
Block 68 Catalytic Redevelopment Project: At its December 2021 meeting, the Board selected Edlen & Company’s proposal for disposition of Agency owned property at 1010 W. Jefferson Street and 421 N. 10th Street through a competitive RFP process and approved the Agreement to Negotiate Exclusively (ANE) with the developer in March 2022 and its First Amendment in October 2022. The Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the Workforce Housing Project on Block 69 North is predicated on a land exchange with the YMCA of Agency-owned property at 421 N 10th St for the YMCA’s property on Block 69 N. The Agency and YMCA executed the Land Exchange Agreement in July 2022 and the Amended and Restated Land Exchange in October 2022 at which time the Board also approved the Block 69 N DDA. The Board approved the Block 68 South DDA for disposition of 1010 W Jefferson St at its December 2022 meeting. The Developer will complete due diligence this month and the Agency expects to present updated information and a Type 4 Participation Agreement for each project at the Board’s May meeting. Project Lead: Alexandra Monjar
1010 W Jefferson Street – 10Ten Building – Agency Owned Property: McAlvain Construction Companies will be using 60 parking spaces for staging items for Rebuild 11th Street Blocks, as well as using a small office space on the second floor for a construction field office. All leases expire May 2023 and the building will become vacant. No significant maintenance items to report. Project Lead: Amy Fimbel/ Aaron Nelson
421 N 10th Street – Agency Owned Property: The Car Park is now managing and monitoring the lot. and the building is vacant. Project Lead: Aaron Nelson
1700 W Main Street – Rock Hard Granite Renovation – PP Type 1: Approval of the final agreement for this commercial building renovation occurred in February and some demolition has begun. The developer is working through final permitting with the City of Boise and the expected completion date is TBD. Project Lead: Kevin Holmes
1744 W Main Street – West End Food Hub – PP Type 1: One Time Assistance for public streetscape improvements related to the conversion of an existing building into a food kitchen with 15 individual kitchen areas serving delivery orders. The Board approved the final agreement in October and construction is ongoing. Project Lead: Kevin Holmes
1015 Main Street – Smith Block Building – PP Type 1: This restoration project includes extensive facade renovation work sensitive to the historic nature of the building. The first-floor retail space will be renovated with the exterior of the building into a new bar. The developer is seeking Type 1 assistance to reimburse for restoration costs associated with the facade renovation including replacing windows, historically accurate awnings and new storefront display windows and entry doors. The Board approved the final Type 1 Agreement at its January 11, 2023 meeting and early demolition work has begun. Project Lead: Kassi Brown
1522 – W State St – 16th & State – PP Type 2: The Agency has received an application from Johnson & Carr to participate in this project to construct a seven-story mixed-use building with 104 residential units and 1,600 square feet of ground floor retail. The project includes workforce housing, 10% of the units will be rent restricted and reserved for income qualified residents. The public improvements eligible for CCDC reimbursement include streetscapes along 16th and State Streets. Utility upgrades water line relocations and stormwater management infrastructure. Total Development Costs estimated at $23 million and Eligible Expenses at $660,000. The project is requesting the use of CIP funds dedicated to housing developments which are to be completed before the expiration of the Westside District. The Board designated the project in December and the Agency plans to present a final agreement for approval in February or March. Project Lead: Kevin Holmes
120 N 12th Street – 12th & Idaho – PP Type 2: The Board designated this 26-story mixed-use development on the corner of 12th and Idaho Street(s) at its January 2023 meeting. The Agency expects to request approval of a Type 2 General Assistance agreement with 12th and Idaho Owner LLC, a joint venture between White Oak Realty Partners, Ponsky Capital Partners and Oppenheimer Development Corp. in April. Project Lead: Alexandra Monjar
Infrastructure |
“Rebuild 11th Street Blocks” – Redevelopment of the 11th Street Corridor – State Street to Grove Street: This project combines the installation of bikeway infrastructure with streetscape improvements to realize plans by the City and ACHD for 11th Street as a corridor that prioritizes cyclists, pedestrians, retail business, and residents while accommodating existing vehicular use. The project spans two URDs with the improvements extending into RMOB with the continuation from Grove Street to River Street. ACHD’s bikeway facility improvements for 11th Street from Heron Street to State Street are under construction and anticipated to be complete by the end of summer 2023. To maximize public investment, the Agency entered into an Interagency Agreement with ACHD to include in the project scope ACHD planned pavement rehabilitation, stormwater upgrades, and the replacement of the underground Boise City Canal Bridge crossing on 11th Street. Jensen Belts Associates lead the design effort and McAlvain Construction Companies is the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC). Construction started June 2022. Project Lead: Amy Fimbel
State Street Streetscape & Fiber-Optic Conduit: This is a cost-share project with an ACHD Downtown Boise Implementation Program (DBIP) project to rehabilitate State Street between 2nd & 16th Streets. CCDC-funded improvements include installation of a fiber-optic conduit bank between 8th Street and 15th Street and streetscape improvements between 12th Street and 14th Street. Streetscape components include wider sidewalks, street trees, furnishing zones, and suspended pavement systems (Silva cells) for tree root growth and storm water retention. The project also anticipates green stormwater infrastructure features in the form of bioretention planters and a landscaped median at select locations throughout the project area. CCDC anticipates a Type 4 participation agreement with the City of Boise for landscaping within the bioretention planters and potential landscaped median features between 12th and 14th Streets. ACHD bid on this project in August but rejected all bids due to high pricing. ACHD is currently re-bidding the project and will extend the construction duration from spring 2023 into summer 2024. Staff continues to coordinate with ACHD, and development teams associated with YMCA and Block 68/69. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer
1110 W Grove St – Renegade Hotel – PP Type 4: The Agency continues its coordination with Hendricks Commercial Properties of streetscape and infrastructure improvements as part of the Linen Blocks on Grove Street and Rebuild 11th Street Blocks projects with the planned development of this 7-story, 122-key boutique hotel. The Board designated the project for Type 4 Capital Improvement Project Coordination participation in May and its Type 4 Agreement approved by the Board in September. Project Lead: Alexandra Monjar
Mobility |
8th Street Improvements, State Street to Franklin Street: This project will improve mobility and safety between the North End Neighborhood and Boise State University. The proposed 8th Street bike facilities will connect to a future east west ACHD Franklin Street Bikeway and ACHD is leading a companion project to extend 8th Street bike facility improvements north of Franklin Street to Union Street. The CCDC project contemplates undergrounding overhead power and telecommunication lines as well as streetscape and transit improvements along the frontage of several properties. At its November 9, 2022, meeting the ACHD Commission adopted Concept A as the preferred alternative for the CCDC section (State to Franklin). ACHD continues to vet additional alternatives for its project segment from Franklin to Union. Staff are currently negotiating a final design scope with Kittelson & Associates and will present a Task Order for final design to the Board at the March 2023 meeting. Project Lead: Zach Piepmeyer