Aaron Nelson
Parking & Facilities Manager
PHONE (208) 384-4264 FAX (208) 384-4267
EMAIL info@ccdcboise.com
“I came from a city in the middle of the desert, with no trees and no downtown life—and everything was just brown. Living in the City of Trees for the past 11 years, and now working in the downtown area, makes me realize how much I love trees and a city environment. I am proud to be able to help keep Boise clean and safe and open to all.”
A city can’t function without accessible, safe parking, and Aaron works hard to make sure CCDC’s parking garages and other facilities are well-maintained and operate smoothly. He also manages CCDC’s membership in eight condominium associations as part of the agency’s mixed-use parking facilities. Ultimately, Aaron wants every CCDC facility to offer the best experience to every person who uses it.
Aaron came to CCDC with a wealth of experience in the facilities and maintenance field. Born in California, he moved to Boise to attend Boise State University and became the first person in his family to earn a college degree: a bachelor’s in mass communication and journalism. While at BSU, he was a senior maintenance craftsman at Taco Bell Arena; after graduation, he worked for the Idaho Transportation Department as a building superintendent and for Identity luxury apartments as its maintenance supervisor.
When not on the job, Aaron with his wife Jessica and daughter Elena run a small business Handy Daddy Creations LLC and provide the community with custom high quality products made from wood & metal.